Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April 5 and 6 Tablemates

April 5/6 Life on board
Does anyone really want to know anything about my other 7 tablemates?  And,  as it turns out, a few of which I am hanging out with?    As I previously mentioned there are 5 females and 3 males, all traveling solo.    Two people are from New York, one from Queens, one from Manhatten.   The one from Manhattrn spends most of his life cruising, including world cruises on the Queen Elizabeth.  When at home he is a live theatre buff and a ballet affectionado.  He’s an interesting man, has been to many many places and looks great in a tuxedo.    The lady from Queens?  I “picked her up” in the Ocean Bar the first night of the cruise….you know..…a happy hour drink before dinner…a “are you alone?  May I join you?”  kind of conversation.  Turned out we were destined to be tablemates.   The “Love of her Life” died several years ago and she has been traveling ever since.  A wonderful, very dynamic  lady.    Originally from the Bronx, now lives in Queens with her daughter.  She has a most interesting accent! 
One of “our” men is from Spain.  He loves to dance and is willing to be put to the test tonight…we are ALL going dancing.  He swears he can do the tango and the Pase  Double and as long as we are willing to be led, we can too!   He gives me the opportunity to use the Spanish that I know and is teaching me how to adapt to Castillian Spanish which I will need in Spain and is somewhat  different  than Latin American Spanish.  (Like French Canadian is different than French in France.)  He plays the violin!  Of the eight of us, 3 of us play the violin.  Now, to include myself in that number is somewhat of a joke, but include myself I will! 
The other violinist is a lady from New Mexico.  She has been a widow for about 20 months.  During the last year she cruised around the world with her son and is now on her first solo cruise.  She and I have a lot in common.   She’s vibrant, alive and a very confident solo cruiser.    She spent $1800 on her internet connection when she went around the world.   She likes to stay in touch!  She and I will likely remain friends.  She will be checking out Melinda’s “ Real Woman Travel”  blog.
One of our gentlemen lives in Fort Lauderdale,  Florida and is also well travelled.  He used to be a “gentleman host” on another cruise line.  Free cruises to men that not only CAN dance but are required to do so on a daily (well, evening..) basis.   Now he travels where and when he wants to and dances when the mood strikes!  He also looks great in a tux and will be joining our dance party tonight.   This is not quite the same as dancing under the palms, in the sand, oceanside in Puerto Escondido during the Puerto Blues Musicfest……but it’s fun just the same!
Who have I missed?  Oh yes…the lady from Maryland.  A ballet teacher that knows my cousin and is in awe of the fact that Anna Marie is my cousin.  She is appalled that I am  giving up  opening night of Anna Marie’s La Corsair at the Kennedy Center  tomorrow night in Washington DC to come on this cruise!   One just CAN NOT do everything! 
The one I’ve missed?  My fellow Canadian, a woman from Ontario that I have yet to sit next to and get to know.  I do know that she has always been single, has traveled extensively and is part of the community. 
And so, life for me continues to be interesting. 

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