Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sunday May 1 to May 3rd

For the first time in my life, on Sunday morning I wore my motion sickness wrist bands for the boat trip from Santorini to Naxos.  Just looking at that ship rocking and rolling at the pier was enough to upset one's stomach!   The beginning of the trip was very rough and windy but after the first hour calmed right down.  At the end of the second hour I arrived at the wonderful port of Naxos. 

I took a short taxi to my apartment, called Anthony Suites.  What a wonderful surprise...it's gorgeous!  Nice and big, a nice balcony above a cute little street and only about 30 meters from St George Beach..  The sand is fine like powder and the water is clear, calm and fairly warm. 

On Monday I decided to head to Plaka Beach.  My friend had sugessted that I hop on a local bus and go there....but I had a map, and it didn't look too far, maybe 5 km...so I decided to walk.  Well, I have no idea where I ended up  the names of the little towns were in English on my map and all the signs were in GReek....so I just kept walking.  Not a bus, a beach or a cab to be foujd anywhere.  Finally, I decided the wisest thing to do was to retrace my steps.  Which I did.  Talking to someone later it was decided that I had been way out past the airport....inland...no where near the beach and had probably gone 7 or 8 km before I turned around.  Ouch.  That evening i treated myself to a massage and aromatherapy.  Made my legs and feet feel SO much beter!
Today, Tuesday, I wandered back to the port and found my way to the icon of Naxos..the  Sactuary of Dolian Apollo  (commonly called the Portara..or gate).  It was beautiful up there and the hill that it is located on was covered with wild flowers.  So, I hauled out my book, sat among the flowers and read awhile in the shadow of this ancient ruin.    An awesome experience.  
Tonight I took Irene's advice and went to the old part of town to Relax Restaurant for a meal and the sunset.  Food was good, the owner was friendly and the customers were fun.  And very friendly.  LOL  I had another great time meeting new friends.

Today I finished reading a book I have been engrossed in for a few days.  It's called The Gurnsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society.  I had downloaded it onto my iphone a long time ago and had never listened to it.  I happened to see a used copy of it the other day and have been unable to put it down!  It's a great story about the Occupation of the Channel Islands during the 1940's.  (The book ends during the week that I was born)  It was interesting and I learned a lot about something that I knew nothing about. 

I'm not sure what I will do tomorrow...maybe retry to find Plaka Beach!   And go to the post office.  I found a nice box today and am going to mail a few things home.  Even though I am traveling light, I could not fit even one more fridge magnet or earring into my luggage...so I'm going to dump some of this stuff at the post office.  I still have the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul to conquer! 

Thursday morning finds me on an early morning flight to Istanbul, Turkey.   Next update from there....my favorite city in the whole world.  last time I was there I felt like I was always on a movie set and kept looking around for the cameras!  For me, a  magical place. 

1 comment:

  1. Σας ευχαριστώ για την ενδιαφέρουσα έκθεση.
    Sorry, I couldn't resist because you wrote that you can't read Greek :-)
